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That one time I went LARPing

We’ve heard it before. “Live Action Role Playing? Those nerds!” Maybe it was I who said it, maybe it was you. Yet, the LARP world has fascinated me. Why would so many seemingly mentally stable people be joining in on this? So when my friend asked me to come along on an overnight, two-day adventure, I thought I should give it a try to better understand that culture.

It starts with an 89-page rule book. Join with me as I read. I am instantly scared. Now I have to choose a character, a talent, a race, a location of origin, a back story…. Naturally, I’m selecting a Human Assassin with no time for anyone, a dark past, and an obsession for death, because that sounds nice. Also, assassin has ass in it twice.

Then I need skill points. OMG. I can level up? If I have to keep track of this, I’m SOL. If the game is anything like the rules, there’s no way I’m playing this again. There’s no way they’ll LET me play again. I’M ONLY ON PAGE 25!! I am going to die.

No wait! I can use a knife to kill people! That’s -5 damage to other’s hit points. But I only have 6. I have to learn what each strike from every race can inflict? I’m going to end up ‘dead’ on the floor after every hit because I will have no idea what else to do. “Where’s Jenna?” “Same place she’s been all day.”

Oh stars, I’m only on page 44, and I’ve just been informed that the lady who invited me told the creator that I’ve done this sort of thing before and played Dungeons and Dragons. I’m so novice, I don’t even know how to abbreviate that. DnD? D&D? D+D? They are going to kick me out, I can see it now.

Wait, there’s hope. I have a ‘dodge’ and a ‘hide’ skill. THAT is what I will be doing the entire time.

Before attending, I brush up on the rules I read a few weeks ago. Wouldn’t you know it, I’ve forgotten every bleeding thing I read.

I arrive at the location early to scope it out. It’s a haunted house. Fitting. My only solace in the world of reality is the Starbucks around the corner. Mercifully, everyone inside is terribly friendly. It is also ruddy freezing. Like, I could keep meat and eggs in here and they wouldn’t spoil.

In short time people start to appear in costume. Some are fantastically elaborate. Some are like mine. Oh no, I’m the only one dressed like I have no idea what's going on. At least my boots and lackadaisical stare are convincing. Thankfully, someone sees my teeth chattering and brings me a faux-fur tunic, so not only am I warmer, I look legit.

I learn in quick order that this game is much like living in an epic, high-fantasy novel. There are countries with political intrigue, characters with deep influence, royals missing, wars being waged, and magic wreaking havoc on country boarders. It’s a good thing I read about all this. It’s a bad thing is I promptly forgot it all. Friendly people keep asking me questions, to which I make everything up. “Why yes, Lady Fallion was in Fallion City when it fell. No, I have not heard if Lady Metah’s husband is alive.”

Sensing I am so out of my league, I decide to have fun with it. I introduce myself with a new name every time someone asks. "Hello, I'm Liliwen." "Greetings, call me Mikelle." "Pleasure. I am Sofiya." My friend, also a n00b today, keeps snickering. Maybe it’s the fabulous Scottish accent I’ve put on….

After a feast of mostly brownies (on my part), we begin tournaments. I am impressed. These people are so involved in their characters. They’ve memorized hit points and worked hard to achieve magic or to level up their attacks. It makes me feel a little bad that my character sheet written for me pits me far above them in skill and strength. I have 30 hit points and can kill lots of people. It’s a bloody shame I have NO idea how to use these skills. I decide to stand on the sidelines looking pretty.

We soon move onto a battle. A vampire has risen from the grave or something. It’s past midnight. I’m napping on the floor. I wasn’t listening that hard. I’ve looked over my skills sheet about 42 times and still can’t tell you what I’m capable of. I think I can assassinate people.

This being a haunted house (still freezing), there are lots of passageways for orcs and goblins to spring on us. We begin our way through the treacherous dark halls as I try to remember what my hit points are on my foam sword. Someone casts an incantation to bring it up to 6, but only for the first 3 hits. Like I’m going to remember that. I have to yell “flame 6” or “fire 6” or something.

In the end, my moment of truth comes. I yelled “fire 6!” or something, managed to count correctly, and walked away with only a few hits to the shoulder. They were yelling numbers at me. I wasn’t really counting. It’s below 30, I know that much, and the healer puts me back on my feet.

We round another corner. This time we’re trapped in a room of dudes maybe pretending to be spiders? My next moment of truth! I wrap my sword around his neck and yell “Assassinate!” It was the only thing that came to my mind. Someone in the back gasps in admiration. The dude-spider is dead. Victory! We wait to advance, when dude-spider steps up. I expect congratulations. “Not only are you super good-looking in that legit outfit you didn't throw together this morning, you’re also great with that Assassinate incantation.” No. Apparently I used the spell wrong. I had to be standing behind him for 5 seconds. What I guess I meant to say was “Waylay” which is like a knock out. My hopes are dashed! I will never fight again!

Just kidding. We have a dragon to battle. This is a powerful dragon with epic hit-points. Pretty sure he just killed me with a knee-strike, but I wasn’t listening to his count and I just continue on like I know what I’m doing. We kill him eventually and save the realm. By this point, it’s past 3 in the morning and we’re stupid tired and a little on edge, so the moderators wrap up the game and tell us to go to bed. It’s still freezing.

At this point I really realize how into their characters these people get. My friend described it as “We trade bits of our soul for this to work.” It’s absolutely true. With a little magic, commitment, and imagination, these people become their characters for a time. It’s admirable. Even a little scary. Three people get into a heated argument with a girl in my guild and when I try to step in, it gets even more heated. The realms of reality and make-believe for a moment are blurred and I’m uncertain if they are truly angry.

It was a bit much. I had to walk away. Thankfully, one of the men apologized and explained he was in character at the time. I decide not to burn this mother down. At least it would be warmer….

All in all, it was a fun time. We even walked into Starbucks in garb and made people stare. I highly recommend trying LARPing, if only to break away from normalcy for a while. Go with a friend so you’re not awkwardly staring at the floor trying to make up a backstory for your character. Go with an open mind. This isn’t a normal adult adventure, which is what makes it great. You have a chance to be anyone, fight monsters, win gold, and eat questionable meat for dinner. Go break out of the shell of what society says is normal. Society doesn’t know you.

I left LARPing with a new appreciation for the nerd world. If someone makes fun of them in front of me, I look forward to defending them. I’m also looking forward to a boiling-hot shower, and some sleep.

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