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I know we all hear about fat-shaming, but what about skinny-shaming? It's not really something you think about, is it?

One of the hardest things about body image is being happy with your own. You will always have someone criticize you for something, even if it's banal and inconsequential. We love to criticize.

I'm tall and slender. I have a willowy Danish bone structure, which helps tremendously. I've been really happy with my image for a few years, so imagine my surprise when I was criticized for being too skinny. I'm not TOO skinny, I'm quite healthy. In fact, I'd like to lose 5 pounds. I've had people tell me to eat more, or finish the food on my plate, or that I need a cheeseburger.

This hurts. Who gave anyone the right to try and control your life? Am I not beautiful right now? I think I am, but your comments say I'm not. If you're full, you leave food on your plate. If you're hungry an hour after lunch, eat. Listen to your body.

When a skinny person says they're feeling fat or want to lose weight, the best thing to do is simply nod. They probably aren't looking for validation, they're just sharing their feelings, which aren't any less than yours because they're skinny. Chances are they've already heard from others that they're too skinny, so don't argue with them. Don't say "you're fine! There's nothing wrong with you!" You don't have the right to judge that. You're not in their skin.

But most of all, guys, let's stop talking about other people's bodies like you could do anything about it. That guy's been trying to work his weight off for years, that girl's so depressed she finds comfort in food, that girl can only control one thing in her messed up life, so it's going to be her weight. WE HAVE NO RIGHT TO COMMENT. We have no right to offer suggestions. I guarantee the person already knows.

So, don't fat-shame, don't skinny-shame, don't shame people for being tall or stout, or having one eye, or green hair, or bright tattoos, or hair too short or long for your liking, or being a red-nosed reindeer. Love people. I bet if you greeted someone with a compliment rather than a criticism, we'd all learn to be nicer a whole lot faster.

Be happy with your bodies! You’re fierce! Love yourself. It’ll attract like-minded people.

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